Meeting Name: CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/17/2015 4:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: February 17, 2015 City Council Workshop Meeting Agenda Packet.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
REP 15-088 1A.25 year presentationInformational ReportRecognition of 25-Year Anniversaries for Fire Department Employees Details: Longtime firefighters Gene Marlow and Dale McKenzie have recently celebrated 25 years with the City of Camas. Swinhart presented Dale McKenzie with his 25 years of service pin. Gene Marlow was unable to attend the meeting and his pin will be presented to him at a future meeting. Presenter: Nick Swinhart, Fire Chief   Action details Video Video
AI 15-094 1A. Action ItemAuthorized the Mayor to sign a professional services agreement with Gray & Osborne, Inc. in the amount of $11,750 to provide water system distribution modeling services and make recommendations on any system improvements needed to utilize water from the new treatment plant or to serve the proposed developments in the Green Mountain area. (Submitted by Steve Wall)referred  Action details Video Video
REP 15-100 1B. Informational ReportProposed Watershed Property Boundary Line Agreement Details: City staff has received a request from property owners with parcels located west of the City's watershed property to develop and enter into a boundary line agreement establishing a common property line. A memorandum with details regarding the request is attached for information. Staff reviewed the details of the memorandum with Council. Presenter: Steve Wall, Public Works Director   Action details Video Video
AI 15-109 1D.New EMS AgreementInformational ReportRenewal of "Three Party Agreement" Details: Since approximately 1978 the cities of Camas and Washougal, and East County Fire and Rescue (ECFR), have had a continuous interlocal agreement to provide for emergency medical services response and transport in East Clark County. This document has provided the legal framework for Washougal and ECFR to forward their Emergency Services (EMS) levy revenue to Camas and for Camas to provide ambulance response and transport in return. The most recent iteration of this agreement expired at the end of 2014. Now, as a "Two Party Agreement," staff recommends Council approve a new agreement between the City of Camas and ECFR as prepared by counsel. This agreement will be for two years and will contain the same provisions between the parties as the previous version did. ECFR Commissioners are also in favor of this new agreement and will be presenting it for approval at their second meeting in February. Presenter: Nick Swinhart, Fire Chief   Action details Video Video
REP 15-091 1E.2015 SAFER GrantInformational ReportApplication for the 2015 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant for Firefighter Staffing Details: The application period for the 2015 SAFER grant for firefighter staffing is open February 9 through March 6. This grant would pay for the salary and benefits of three firefighters for two years. There would be no obligation to maintain the firefighters after that period of time. The only stipulation of all SAFER grants is that, if the grant is awarded and accepted, the department cannot lay off or attrition out any positions during that two year period. Council will recall that the Camas-Washougal Fire Department (CWFD) received a SAFER grant award in 2012 to hire three firefighters. That grant expired in 2014. Unfortunately the City did not have the funding to keep those positions after the grant expired, but due to some well-timed retirements, staff was able to avoid laying off any of those firefighters. The department is planning to apply for the 2015 SAFER grant and City Administration supports this effort. This was an informational report to advise   Action details Video Video
REP 15-111 1F.Fire Alarm Installation- Ordinance revisionInformational ReportOrdinance No. 15-004 Amending Section 15.04.030(D)(2) Details: Currently the ordinance for the installation of fire alarm systems within the city limits of Camas is in conflict with Washington State Law. The purpose of the proposed revision is to modify the Camas Municipal Code to be aligned with Washington State Statutes. Presenter: Ron Schumacher, Division Chief / Fire Marshal   Action details Video Video
ORD 15-008 1G.CMC Ch. 18.23 PRD code amendment (ZC14-01)OrdinanceOrdinance No. 15-008 to Adopt Amendments to Camas Municipal Code (CMC) Chapter 18.23 Planned Residential Developments (File No. CMC14-05) Details: On March 2, 2015, City Council held a public hearing to review the proposed amendments to CMC Chapter 18.23 Planned Residential Developments. At the conclusion of the public hearing, Council approved the amendments to CMC Chapter 18.23 and directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for adoption. Presenter: Sarah Fox, Senior Plannerreferred  Action details Video Video
ORD 15-007 1H.Limited Amendments to the SMP (File No. MC15-02)OrdinanceOrdinance No. 15-007 to Adopt Limited Amendments to the Camas Shoreline Master Program (File No. MC15-02) Details: On March 2, 2015, City Council held a public hearing to review amendments to the Camas Shoreline Master Program, specifically Appendix C, Chapter 16.53 Wetlands. The limited amendments will comply with new mandates from the Department of Ecology. At the conclusion of the public hearing, Council approved the amendments and directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance for adoption. Presenter: Sarah Fox, Senior Plannerreferred  Action details Video Video
AI 15-096 1I.7th Avenue Final Plat - FP14-08Action ItemFinal Plat for 7th Avenue Townhomes (File No. FP14-08) Details: Seventh Avenue Townhomes Subdivision (File no. SUB06-10) is located at 722 NW 7th Avenue near the intersection of NW 7th Avenue and NW Greeley Street. Preliminary plat approval for 12 new lots was issued on December 14, 2006. A minor modification decision was issued on February 3, 2015, that reduced the subdivision to 11 lots (File no. MinMod15-02). Presenter: Sarah Fox, Senior Plannerreferred  Action details Video Video
REP 15-157 1J.NW 6th & Norwood Roundabout DiscussionInformational ReportNW 6th Avenue and NW Norwood Street Intersection Improvements Details: At the February 17, 2015 Council work session, Camas staff provided a presentation regarding features and costs for a roundabout at NW 6th and Norwood. The attached memo provides additional information to Council for the consideration of the installation of a roundabout or a traffic signal at this location. Presenter: James Carothers, Engineering Manager   Action details Video Video
AI 15-104 1K.WS-709C PSAAction ItemAuthorized the Mayor to sign a Professional Services Contract with S&B, Inc. for Project WS-709C Water Treatment Slow Sand Filter Plant for instrumentation hardware, data management and integration services in the amount not to exceed $189,130.00. This item is budgeted and will be funded by a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan from the Washington State Department of Health. (Submitted by James Carothers)referred  Action details Video Video
ORD 15-006 2M. OrdinancePublic Hearing Considering Ordinance No. 15-006 an Ordinance Adopting a New Section 13.04.020 of the Camas Municipal Code, Relating to the Abandonment of Utility Services Details: This public hearing is to provide utility customers an opportunity to give public testimony on Ordinance No. 15-006 to change the City's billing practice. This ordinance is one of three actions for City Council to consider in order to implement proposed utility code changes. This first step would allow the City to consider a utility account abandoned if the account has been disconnected for a period of five years. Any system capacity shall revert to the City and subsequent customers would be required to pay a System Development Charge to re-establish a connection. The two other actions for consideration will include low-income assistance and a fee schedule adjustment. These two items will be presented on the March 16, 2015 City Council Workshop. Presenter: Cathy Huber Nickerson, Finance Directorreferred  Action details Video Video