Meeting Name: PLANNING COMMISSION Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/21/2015 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Special Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
AI 15-050 1A.ElectionsAction ItemElection of Chair and Vice Chair Details: The Planning Commission positions of chair and vice chair are one-year terms, which are generally elected by majority vote each January.approvedPass Action details Video Video
AI 15-050 1 ElectionsAction ItemElection of Chair and Vice Chair Details: The Planning Commission positions of chair and vice chair are one-year terms, which are generally elected by majority vote each January.approvedPass Action details Video Video
MIN 15-003 1A.Minutes ApprovalMinutesApproval of minutes from the November 18, 2014, Planning Commission MeetingapprovedPass Action details Video Video
AI 15-048 1A.CMC Ch. 18.23 PRD code amendment (ZC14-01)Action ItemPublic Hearing for Zoning Code Text Change (File No. ZC14-01) Details: The applicant proposes amendments to CMC Ch. 18.23 Planned Residential Developments to allow commercial land uses. Presenter: Sarah Fox, Senior PlannerapprovedPass Action details Video Video
AI 15-047 1B.Camas SMP - amending wetland regulationsAction ItemPublic Hearing for Limited Amendments to the Camas Shoreline Master Program Details: The proposed limited amendments to the Camas Shoreline Master Program, Appendix C, Chapter 16.53-Wetlands will update the wetland regulations in order to comply with a mandate from the Department of Ecology. The city adopted the updated wetland regulations to Camas Municipal Code on January 5, 2015, by Ordinance 15-001. Presenter: Sarah Fox, Senior PlannerapprovedPass Action details Video Video
REP 15-050 1C.CMC Ch. 18.55.130 Inactive applicationsInformational ReportWorkshop for Land development applications and time limits for inactivity Details: There is an understanding that development applications may progress at the discretion of applicant, aside from the city's requirements to respond and issue decisions. Some applicants request that their development application, after being determined "technically complete", be placed on hold, essentially stopping the regulatory time clock for decision making. The reasons vary, although it is typically requested when ownership of a project changes hands, or there are technical studies that must be conducted in order to proceed. The city is concerned about the effect to the community when a development application is inactive for years, and the vested codes are no longer consistent with current regulations, particularly current environmental regulations. Presenter: Sarah Fox, Senior Planner   Action details Video Video
REP 15-045 1A.2015 Community Development Work PlanInformational Report2015 Community Development Work Plan (added on January 21, 2015) Details: Overview of the Community Development Department Plan and Priorities   Action details Video Video